Friday, December 18, 2009

Family Connection

One product that has brought us closer as a family, or made better use of our time collectively is our PlayStation. We had always wanted a gaming system, but had a hard time justifying spending hundreds of dollars on one, when dollars were a little scare. We knew we would always get one someday since many of our found memories have to do with an old Atari system. Who didn't grow up on Pac Man and Asteroids?
A PlayStation kind of fell into our lap. Dan's parents had a PlayStation for all of the grand kids and great grand kids to play when they came to visit. When they had to move into an assisted living home they gave the system to us. It was wonderful. I did not think we would use it as much as we do. It really is magnet for bringing us together. You really can't just walk through the room without noticing what is going on and wishing it was your turn. I find myself on the couch for hours just WATCHING the people play.
It is amazing how news for these kind of products really do just spread like wildfire by word of mouth. My kids had been talking about guitar hero for awhile. Before I knew it, everyone had one or knew someone who did. It's funny because you really don't see a lot of commercials for these things, but kids just know. Once we did get a gaming system I started to ask those who had one (everyone else) what some of their favorite games were and what they thought about guitar hero. It was really fun hearing their response.
All in all I think this has been a great product to use to bring the family together. Hand eye coordination is being used as well as memory. I could think of many more practical purposes for it, but when it comes down to is just plain fun.

It is funny that a gaming system would utilize our TV, because that is where we really do congregate as a family. I sadly admit we love TV. We try very had to monitor what kind of television programming we watch. It is never hard with Devin is preschool TV 24/7. Dylan would prefer cartoons and Natalie would live in front of the Disney channel if we let her. Disney is usually a happy medium for all three at one time, and we feel good about what is on. As for the whole family... reality TV seems to win for ALL of us. It has been fun to watch Survivor, American Idol, Amazing Race, or Dancing with the Stars. We can cheer on for our favorites together even if we are on opposite sides of the couch. We have had fun predicting who would win and then see who gets closest.

Half of the reality shows we watch have to do with music or dance in someway. American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and So You Think You Can Dance. It is just part of us. I grew up with music being a HUGE factor in my life. My father plays the piano magnificently and my sister also plays well. My mother plays the violin and I played the piano for a little while and the flute. There was always music in my home whether it was someone singing, playing the piano or listening to the record player.
Because music was a large part of my life, so was dancing. My parents love to dance. Dan's parents met in a dance class in college. Dan and I met on a dance team in college. We love dance and music and have passed that on to our kids. Whenever there is music playing there is dancing. At Christmastime there always seems to be a mini dance concert going on with carols playing in the background.

As a kid growing up, my parents would take us to revival theaters so show us the classic musicals, because there were not VCR's (I know, I am dating myself). When VCR's finally did come around we saw even more musicals. My parents still watch them all of the time. This past Christmas my parents saw the movie Hairspray, and wanted everyone to see it too. We all piled into the room and watched two hours of toe tapping fun.
When the movie ended and the closing credits came on and my Dad jumped up and started dancing. Soon everyone else joined along. We had such fun dancing for hours. Fifties music is great to dance to, so is country music and Irish music. I guess what I am saying if it has a good beat and quick tempo, you can't go wrong to boogy on the dance floor.
I know I am lucky...,we really can provide our own entertainment. All we need is some good music. The rest just falls (or dances) into place.

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